Sunday, October 8, 2017

My Setup(not entirely related to dnd)

     The other day I tried getting discord voice to work, which it didn't. This is after I set up my recording equipment and tried making some tunes. I guess when I ran ASIO4ALL it had a conflict with my internal soundcard... lo and behold.... my new setup any time I want to run a game off of my laptop using discord. I could set it up on my phone, I have, I just don't like it. Realistically, I think it sounds better for the players. So it's kinda nice really. I have a pretty good internet connection too, so that helps.  

Also, my girlfriend has a nice camera. So, I hijacked it and took some subpar pictures. 

I'll post some meatiness soon. I'm working on a campaign diary for this week. Should be kinda interesting. My players had a weird magic mishap. It derailed them for about 45 minutes. It was hilarious. That'll probably be posted next week, once I get the tenses worked out... 

Either way, I hope you guys enjoy this post. I'll be doing more "photography" when I actually get a face-to-face game running. Should be about a month or so. 

16 bit Akai interface, standard XLR cables, and an SM57 mic. I typically use it for snare and guitar amps, but it works just as well for this. Eat a dick if you don't like it.

From left to right: Fighter Dude, Steal Dwarf, Flame Hand Guy, and White Wash Man Wizard.

Unrealistic combat scene.

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