Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Tables and such, West Marches

     I like myself a good table or two. I've evolved as a GM to sorta relax my brain power and use them to my advantage. It surely makes dungeon prep a lot easier when I have the whole ecology of an area laid out where I can see it. I'm sure some will scream 'lazy' or whatever. But considering my players have a ball when they play in my games, I really don't give a shit. So here it goes...

Monster Tables
     I tend to rely on my wondering monster tables pre and during game. But I like mine to make a little more sense rather than the ol bell curve with a straight 3d6 or the randomness of a d20. This is because certain monsters just aren't going to show up as much as others. So, I've adopted a combination of 1d100 and a d6. An example of my table can be found below. This is an exact type of chart I use to run my home game. It's easy to use, very flexible, and fast in a crunch.

CR 1-2 Grasslands
D100 + 10*

01-45, Vermin
46-80, Common
81-94, Uncommon
95-100, Legendary
1d12 +3 Wolf(Coyote)
1d12 + 2 Goblin
1d8 +2 Twigblight
Displacer Beast
1d4 Brown Bear
1d12 + 2 Kobold
1d4 Dire Wolf
1d8 +2 Orc
1d4 Giant Hyena
Giant Wasp
1d12 + 2 Tribal Warrior
Lizardfolk shaman with 1d4 lizardfolk
Giant Spider
1d8 Bandits
1d6 + 2 Dust Mephit
Swarm of Insects
1d12 Stirge
1d6 Giant Spider
Ogr with 1d3 goblins
*Hexes moved resets after +50 or a long rest, whichever comes first

     The top row is the first dice you would roll, the 1d100. The left column is a d6, being the second dice you would roll. This allows you to easily set up a basic ecology of your area that you can, for the most part, give accurate values too. So, from this chart we know that you'll almost never run into a displacer beast, but you'll more than likely run into a brown bear early on. This is just a simple idea I've incorporated into my table. It allows me to keep track of what type of baddies are in what region and it also makes sure my low level players don't get absolutely swamped from the get go. Although, sometimes it happens, and I won't stop it. Being a West Marches style game, it SHOULD happen from time to time. Furthermore, the more one travels the more likely one is going to run into an uncommon or a legendary monster, which is reflected on the table: Each Hex a party travels increases the odds of running into a more powerful foe by 10% which is then reset at a max of +50. This is to protect the group from continuously running into uncommon and legendary enemies but still keeping the idea of "the further out one travels, the more dangerous it becomes" concept.

     Anyways, this is the style of chart I use for monsters, beasts, and creatures in my games. This isn't the only chart I use. I still need to actually determine the event.When I need to determine an event I simply refer to The Random Wilderness Features table created by Elfshadow. I'm going to finish my beer... thinking about changing the blog to the drunk GM's perspective rather than the GM's perspective...


  1. How have I played this game for twenty years and it never occurred to me to make a two-axis table? Great post.

  2. Haha thank you! You've got some good stuff yourself!

  3. At least with _this_ table you could get almost exactly the same results with a weighted d100 table.
    Like there's a 6% chance of getting a Legendary Creature and, within that, a 1 in 6 chance of each specific creature so it's a 1% chance per legendary creature .

    So if you built a table where 99=Pegasus and, say 1-7=wolves/coyotes, etc then it would have nearly the same math.

    The grid would make sense if you wanted to have more then 100 creatures or if you wanted to make the disparity between rare and normal creatures greater, like have a 1% chance of legendary creatures but then 6 options for legendary creatures

    1. Yes, I definitely agree. I use this table because it's so condensed. I just wanted to share it to see what the dnd community does with it. Also, thanks for taking the time to read my blog, and giving your insight.
